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5 razones por la que tus clientes no te eligen como su Agente de Bienes Raíces


Aunque hay muchas razones por las que los negocios fracasan, aquí descubrirás las 5 razones principales por las que vendedores/compradores no están usando tus servicios.

Si tu negocio está sufriendo porque apenas consigues un cliente, este artículo te será de gran utilidad.

  1. Sin necesidad, no hay ventas

El mayor error que la mayoría de Agentes cometen es vender su servicio a clientes que no lo necesitan. La lección aquí es simple: cualquier servicio/ producto que no resuelva un problema urgente o necesidad, será difícil de vender a cualquier cliente.

  1. Sin dinero, no hay ventas

Por desgracia, muchos negocios se tienen que enfrentar a este problema. Todo el mundo les dice que sus productos/servicios son maravillosos pero nadie puede sacar sus billeteras para pagar por ellos.

Aunque haya una seria necesidad por ese producto o servicio, para muchos Agentes es difícil vender sus servicio a suficientes clientes.

  1. Sin prisas, no hay ventas

Ya que la gente suele retrasar sus compras, debes animarles a pasar a la acción y comprar ahora. Creando un sentido de la urgencia en tu negocio, los clientes tendrán una razón por la que tomar una decisión inmediatamente. Cuando usas la prisa como una estrategia de ventas, también creas la impresión de escasez de propiedades. A nadie le gusta perderse una buena oferta o la oportunidad de disfrutar de un producto o servicio excelente.

  1. Sin deseo, no hay ventas

Mucha gente necesita ser motivada antes de comprar o vender.

La mejor manera de crear deseo por tu servicio es vender los beneficios y los resultados de éste.

  1. Sin confianza, no hay ventas

Estamos en una era donde las estafas, por desgracia, son comunes, y hay un incremento de gente que sólo usa servicios de agentes conocidos o de una compañía en la que confían.

La confianza y la credibilidad son claves en el mundo de los negocios de hoy.


Your Loan in the Valley

10 maneras de aumentar tu capacidad cerebral


Los neurocientíficos han comprobado que nuestro cerebro puede cambiar. Y para que esta transformación sea positiva te proponemos ejercitar tu mente para potenciar tu capacidad cerebral.

Nosotros utilizamos sólo el 10% de nuestro cerebro y, contrario a las creencias de algunos científicos que suponían que conservábamos en nuestra vida el cerebro con el que nacíamos, hoy han comprobado que eso no es así. Es posible aumentar tu capacidad cerebral si tomas en cuenta estos consejos

  1. Haz cosas nuevas

Cuando experimentas nuevas cosas estás estimulando tu cerebro. Por eso, no caigas en la rutina y cambiar tu recorrido al trabajo o prueba una receta nueva.

  1. Ejercítate regularmente

Moverte es fundamental para potenciar tu inteligencia ya que en cada ejercicio generas nuevas células en tu cerebro.

  1. Entrena tu memoria

Seguramente has escuchado muchas veces a personas que desean tener una mejor memoria pero no hacen nada para lograrlo. En estos casos lo mejor es ejercitarla, memorizando números de teléfono u otros datos importantes.

  1. Sé curioso

Para esto sería bueno que cuestiones todos los productos, servicios y todo lo que te rodea. Esto ayudará a tu cerebro a innovar y crear (Visita Conozca la manera más divertida de ser más creativo y más productivo) nuevas ideas.

  1. Piensa en positivo

El estrés y la ansiedad matan tus neuronas e impiden la creación de nuevas. Para revertir esto piensa en positivo.

  1. Come saludable

Tu dieta impacta fuertemente en tu cerebro ya que éste consume más del 20% de los nutrientes y el oxígeno que consumimos.

  1. Lee un libro

Esta es una forma muy útil de incentivar tu imaginación y potenciar tu cerebro ya que cuando lees, debes hacer un esfuerzo por imaginarte lo que hay entre líneas.

  1. Descansa lo suficiente

Cuando duermes recuerda que liberas las toxinas del día.

  1. Deja el GPS

Esta herramienta ha hecho nuestra vida más fácil pero también ha vuelto más perezoso a nuestro cerebro.

  1. Haz las cuentas de forma manual

Hoy sucede que dependemos de la calculadora para hacer hasta las cuentas más sencillas. Esto no es bueno para tu cerebro. Source:

Your Loan in the Valley

The 12 Commandments of Closing a Sale.


Like any game there are rules to selling, especially when it comes to closing a sale. Here are the 12 commandments for sealing the deal.

  1. Remain seated. The saying goes, present the product, service or idea on your feet, but always negotiate from your seat. Even if your prospect stands up, remain seated. Going from a seating position to standing up suggests something has changed and allows your prospect to exit and end the negotiations.
  1. Always present a proposal in writing. People do not believe what they hear, they believe what they see. Always have a contract available and a writing pad. Anything offered or points of value that are included should be written down to show buyers what they get when they make a decision with you.
  1. Communicate clearly. No one will trust a person who cannot communicate clearly and confidently. I practiced using recorders and video for years and then played them back to ensure my communication was coming across the way I intended.
  1. Make eye contact. This is a discipline instilled only through practice, and you can perfect it by recording yourself. If you want to be believed, it is vital to make eye contact with your prospect. It suggests interest in them and confidence in yourself, your products, your services, and in what you are proposing.
  1. Always carry a pen. I remember once I was closing a deal, and I reached for my pen in my jacket but it was gone. The prospect took this as sign that he shouldn’t sign—and didn’t. I was devastated, and now I refuse to go anywhere without my sword in hand. All agreements require signatures and that requires ink. Keep a pen available at all times. In fact, always have a back-up pen, too.
  1. Use humor. Any humor that can make people feel good, inspired or hopeful is always appropriate during the close. Everyone loves a good story, and people are more likely to make decisions when they are less serious. You will close more deals if you can get your client to lighten up and laugh.
  1. Ask one more time. Figuring out another way to circle back and reposition negotiations after being told “no” ultimately will make you a great closer. It is not rude to persist; it is the sign of success and prosperity. Because I continue to ask in another way for a “yes” after being told “no” does not mean I did not listen. It only means I am more sold on my view than I am the other’s view.
  1. Stay with the buyer. Each time you leave the customer to check on something, it creates doubt and uncertainty in their mind. It can create undue antagonism in the negotiations, lower perceived value, and extend the closing time. But keep in mind, this does not mean there is not an appropriate time to leave a buyer and use an authority for a close, as this can be very powerful as long as it is not overused
  1. Always treat prospects like buyers. Regardless of the circumstances: no money, no budget, not the decision maker — always treat the buyer like he is a buyer. I always survey the prospect for signs that demonstrate they have bought in the past. The watch, the shirt, the suit, the necklace, the car they drove, the house they live in, the credit card they use, and others. All are evidence that this prospect has actually demonstrated the ability and history of closing. I always tell myself, “Every buyer is a buyer. Treat them as a buyer and they will turn into a buyer.”
  1. Stay confident. I always maintain that we can come to an agreement, no matter what I am told by the buyer or those around me. The saying goes: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” This mindset of knowing you will reach an agreement requires you to eliminate all negativity from your environment as though it were a disease that kills, and be assured, it does.
  1. Be positive. No matter how the buyer responds, keep it light and maintain a can-do attitude throughout the negotiations. When you go negative due to the buyer being negative there is only one outcome and it’s not good. Negativity always succumbs to positivity.
  1. Always smile. This is not just about your attitude, but also your physical manifestation. For the next week, practice smiling with everyone in every situation you encounter. Do this until you are able to argue with a smile, disagree with a smile, negotiate, overcome objections and close with a smile. Have you ever noticed that very successful people are smiling all the time? It is not because they are successful that they are smiling, it’s how they got successful. This is a million dollar tip: Smile.

Adapted excerpt from The Closer’s Survival Guide by Grant Cardone (Cardone Enterprises, 2011) Source:

Your Loan in the Valley

4 Ways to Increase Your Real Estate Income


Here are four tips for increasing your annual income over the next 12 months:

Plan Ahead

First, have a plan. If you were driving across the United States to visit a friend who lived somewhere you had never been, chances are you would look up directions on how to get to your friend’s city, specifically the home address. Without a map or GPS device in your vehicle, it may be difficult to navigate.

Unfortunately, many real estate pros enter the business with no plan. Worst yet, most experienced practitioners we know have no plan! After investing hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of dollars, valuable time, and a grueling examination, many new recruits end up with a real estate firm that has no plan for the next 30, 60, or 90 days.

A business plan is essential in real estate. Without a solid plan, you’ll probably end up spinning your wheels.

Here are a few things your business plan should address:

What is your monthly budget? How much money do you need to earn to pay your expenses each month?

Who and what is your competition, and how do you plan to differentiate yourself from your competitors in your marketplace?

Take time to perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis: What are your strengths and weaknesses? What new opportunities can you capitalize on during the coming months, and more specifically, what threats might you need to plan for? This is an excellent way to help you build an essential game plan, gain vision, and accomplish your mission.

What are your goals for the next 30 days, six months, and full year from your start date or from the date of your business plan? Make sure your goals are measurable. Though your goals should be challenging, don’t make them too difficult to reach.

Do you have a vision statement for your business? Where do you see yourself in the next year as a real estate professional? If we asked you to look into the future, where do you want to be in three years in the real estate industry?

Take Action

Do you have “action plans” in place for your real estate business? In other words, what programs do you have ready to implement when you begin to meet new customers, enter into contractual agreements with clients, and more? Top agents have a systematic plan of action for every facet of their business. If you have not taken the time to develop a detailed plan of action for each area of your business, then do it today.

When building your action plan, use an outline and list all the items that you plan to do for each new listing you take. One good way to build action plans is to copy or print out three or four calendar pages and determine when and how often you would like to communicate with your clients. What marketing endeavors do you need to implement over the course of the agreement? Just as you need a “business plan” for your business, each new listing and every new buyer you take on needs a separate business plan.

Work Your Sphere

According to the National Association of REALTORS® 2010 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 57 percent of first-time home buyers found their real estate agent through the recommendation of a friend, family member, or coworker. Thirty-nine percent of all buyers and sellers said they found their agent through this process.

If this data does not reinforce the fact that you need friends and family members recommending your services, then please reread those statistics above. Working your sphere of influence is one of the best things a real estate pro can do regularly. Send cards and letters each month, make phone calls, and, if the opportunity arises, stop by and make a personal visit.


If we asked when you last went out and canvased a neighborhood handing out cards or providing information about your real estate services, what would your answer be? How many for-sale-by-owners have you visited or sent letters to in the last 30 days? Whatever method you prefer regarding prospecting as a real estate professional, it should be one of your most important daily tasks.

Prospecting is the lifeblood of a successful sales career: Without new business, you’ll eventually go out of business. Make it a point to set goals on what types of prospecting you’ll do for the day, week, or month. Keep track of your schedule and determine where you’re wasting time, and make any necessary changes to accomplish your prospecting goals. Also, be sure to write your prospecting goals down where you can see them and be reminded of your tasks at hand.

In Closing

Finally, don’t get discouraged or have a pity party if things aren’t going as planned. Difficult days and trying times will affect everyone. Even when you have a map or printed directions, wrong turns, bad decisions, and other factors can cause you to get off course.

However, the key to increasing your income as a real estate professional is to remain diligent and do the right things. When you have a solid written business plan, set goals, prospect daily, and have a good attitude, you’re sure to succeed. Remember what author E.D. Martin said, “It is easier to believe than to doubt.” Source:

Your Loan in the Valley

The future of Real Estate Farming


Farming your niche has been a technique real estate agents used to source for prospects for ages. But the system they were using then are mostly absolute or not as effective as they used to be. In todays real estate farming, the best and widely used technique is the internet.

Here are 4 tools needed to make your marketing effective:

  1. Real estate website

  2. Real estate blog

  3. Social Network

  4. Email Marketing

If you have those tools mentioned above, you are just a second away from dominating your farming area. Source:

Your Loan in the Valley

How does your business survive when sales are slow?


Here are 10 tactics small business owners use to keep their businesses afloat during slow seasons…

  1. Cement every client relationship. Conducting one-on-one meetings with every customer to ensure complete customer satisfaction and to renegotiate temporary rates to keep the business where necessary has been a key strategic move during this season.

  1. Focus on advertising. My best tip for keeping business afloat during slow season is to focus on advertising, and actually invest and spend on advertising. In other words, take a counter-intuitive approach to advertising. Why? Because in the summer season for instance, advertising is a lot less competitive as most businesses (with the exception of travel) spend less during the summer. You can buy advertising cheaper, and you can also make your business stand out because of less competition. Consumers don’t just “shut off” in the summer, and in fact most consumers are predisposed to spend more money in the summer months, which can make advertising pay off.

  1. Get active. When things are slow, I have a number of actions to take to get myself in action again. You can’t rely just on online sales. I participate in craft fairs and flea markets and will often set up a sale to bring in new customers. I am also approaching stores to talk to the owners or managers about wholesaling my work. Finally, I do custom work. I have done a few pieces for people in my building and that leads to others who want jewelry made just for them.

  1. Recharge your business. As my company experiences slower moments, we leverage those opportunities to concentrate on ways to recharge and grow the business. So often, we are so busy serving clients that we often do not take sufficient time to organize ourselves, come up with new ideas and processes, and to shine the light on our own company. Thus, we change the emphasis at those times to truly working on our business, instead of solely in it, which recharges, educates, trains, and connects us. Further, as a marketing company, we brainstorm and work on our own marketing initiatives, as they seem to fall by the wayside in favor of our clients’ marketing.

  1. Produce more sales. This is the highest and best use of my time as without new sales the business will certainly fail. Spending two full days per week in the field with the sales team is an absolute must for the remainder of this year to ensure our revenues. , CEO of Estrada Strategies, a CEO coaching firm based in Southern California.

  1. Take your business online. We shut down the brick and mortar side of the business to preserve cash and save the business and operated solely online, leveraging top organic search placement in the search engines, in addition to paid search strategies. Everything online is trackable and measurable–there’s no fat. The online marketing emphasis helped us survive, preserve cash and reach a national client base.

  1. Do “good” work. When things are slow in my business, I find myself taking on more pro-bono work and volunteering. It not only allows me to use my time and talents for the greater good, but it also provides a platform me to try out new ideas or tools that have been wanting to implement. I volunteer because I am passionate about the cause, but it generally leads to more business opportunities as well!

  1. Adapt to the season. Some seasons are slower than others but if you keep your business relevant to what’s currently going on, your customers will appreciate the sentiment. Offer deals, contests, and giveaways pertaining to the holidays. Another appreciative notion your customers will take positive notice of is giving a nice ‘thank you shout out’ to all of your loyal supporters in your newsletter. Around the winter months remind your customers they are all priceless presents to your company.

  1. Improve efficiency. We’ve always tried to make sure that we keep on improving the efficiency of our operation. When we say we make our operation more efficient, it means we try to scale well when business grows. When we first began, our focus was obviously to grow the sales / revenue. However, as we grew, we made sure that our revenue / employee ratio continued to increase instead of decrease.

  1. Manage the bottom line. Cutting out all luxury expenses and managing the numbers month-by-month to maintain profitability and positive cash flow has been the most difficult thing to do. We get comfortable justifying many expenses in our business that are not operational critical and can be either completely eliminated, differed for a future date or cut back. Source:

Your Loan in the Valley

These are things customers want but won’t tell you


Just because your client doesn’t say anything doesn’t mean they don’t want anything. Here are the 7 things customers really want.

Here are the 7 things customers want you to do, but will never, ever tell you about.

  1. You and your team’s looks matter. Looks shouldn’t matter, but they do. When a client interacts with you, they want clean, well put together people who are pleasant, positive and professional.

  1. Prove to me you want our business. When you go to pitch that big prospect, are your first words to them, “Tell me about your business?” If so, you just offended them because you didn’t make the effort to learn about them. They won’t tell you that. They simply won’t hire you.

  1. You’re making things too complex. As you explain what you do (or are doing, or are going to do) for a client, keep it simple and stick to the basics. Remember, they hired you to take on a project or take care of a problem; and many don’t want to know the itty-bitty details. Keep it simple. Don’t confuse your client.

  1. I want you there 24/7. Clients and customers like the idea that you’re there for them whenever they need it, in an emergency, even if it’s because of their lack of planning.

  1. I want to only deal with you. Clients know that presidents and CEOs have the firepower to get stuff done, and they want to deal only with you. Try to be consistent with your interaction with your clients across the board: They definitely don’t want to feel like you’re passing them off to an underling in favor of a more important client.

  1. A token of appreciation would be nice. Thank you gifts can go along way to showing a client you care about them, and that you appreciate their business. It doesn’t have to be over-the-top expensive; a thoughtful gift goes a long way.

  1. Impress me! Who hasn’t heard “we don’t have a budget”? The truth is, they do have the money—they just prefer allocating it to something else. Give them a reason to spend their money on you. Source: by Mike Michalowicz


Four simple ways to GET new customers


If you stop and think about the price you’re paying to bring in added shoppers in terms of time or money, you can start to make better decisions about how and where to put those resources.

  1. Advertising. The key to advertising successfully is to generate promising leads in exchange for the money you spend.

  1. Networking and referrals. Landing referrals from networking or past business associations isn’t just a cheap way to pick up new business.

  1. Teaming up. Another way to leverage available resources is through what’s known as a “host-beneficiary” arrangement.

  1. Strategic Alliances. You might take that partnership a step further and form what’s known in the industry as a “strategic alliance.” While a host beneficiary relationship is generally a one-time or short-term commitment, strategic alliances can sometimes last for many years. Source: by Brad Sugars

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Errores comunes de Agentes de Bienes Raíces


  1. Fotografías mal implementadas.

Una de las cosas que uno debe de tener como prioridad para vender una propiedad es tener fotografías bien hechas.

  1. Falsas promesas.

No seas “El Sabelotodo”, pero sí tienes que demostrar que sabes que es lo mejor para la propiedad. Muchos agentes de ventas cometen el error de prometer cosas de las que no están seguros si son realmente viables y al final los compradores terminan quejándose. No olvides mantener una postura de experto, pero al mismo tiempo tienes que ser honestos y humilde con tus clientes. Si no sabes algo, se humilde y responde: “No sé, pero lo averiguare”

  1. Falta de Investigación.

No sólo uno debe saber cuántos cuartos, baños, closets, etcétera, tiene una propiedad. Tienes que saber que hay a su alrededor con totalidad. Algunos agentes de bienes raíces han cometido el error de no hacer una investigación completa de los alrededores. Saber si es un vecindario seguro, proveedores exclusivos, que proveedores no llegan a ese vecindario, que hace la ubicación diferente a las demás, etc. Todo esto es clave para que tus clientes decidan comprar o no comprar.

  1. Falta de Estrategia.

Es importante tener una estrategia de ventas. Agentes que están empezando no están acostumbrados a tener un plan de trabajo. La información es clave y si fallas en planear, planeas para fallar. Conociendo a las tendencias del mercado, las estadísticas y el flujo de ventas, se puede generar una estrategia que te pondrá no solo delante de tus competidores, también te ayudará a tener una economía estable.

  1. Falta de Marketing.

Muchos agentes deciden no invertir en su imagen, logo y publicidad. La tecnología se mueve increíblemente rápido y hoy todo está conectado a la red. Ventas y publicidad, todo se maneja por marketing en línea. La mejor forma para que seas efectivo en ventas de bienes raíces y que la gente te conozca es en invirtiendo en publicidad y marketing para tu empresa.

Todos tenemos errores y logros, lo importante es evitar el fracaso utilizando las herramientas que tengamos. No se necesita ser un millonario, sólo se necesita darle la importancia y la atención al negocio, informándose y manteniéndose actualizado. Hacer las cosas lo mejor posible sin dejarlo de forma “pasable”. Cuidando detalles y manteniéndose lo más profesional posible, harás que crezcas como empresa y sobresalir de tu competidores. Source:

Your Loan in the Valley

5 claves para aumentar tu cartera de clientes


Si tan solo existiera una varita mágica para hacer aparecer los clientes… ¿no sería un mundo maravilloso? Lamentablemente, a menos que seas ese emprendedor envidiado, con una posición inamovible en el mercado, sin competencia y una excelente reputación o incluso fama, tendrás que enfrentarte a la tarea de conseguir clientes.

En este artículo exploramos algunos puntos básicos que todo emprendedor debe conocer para aumentar su cartera.

  1. Sé el mejor

Todo emprendedor, como todo artista, sabe que su supervivencia depende primero y principalmente, de su producto. Los grandes coaches artísticos aconsejan a sus clientes: “trabaja en el artista, no en el arte” y este es un principio que se aplica a la empresa. Sé el mejor, causa una gran impresión, ten confianza en lo que haces y dedica todas tus energías a conquistar los dos milímetros que separan al medallista de oro del de plata. La impresión que causamos y la calidad de nuestro trabajo es nuestra mejor tarjeta de visita, y la que va a generar un mayor “boca a boca”.

  • O bien no hay banners, estan desactivados o no estan programados para esta ubicación!
  1. Define tu nicho

Por obvio que parezca, es importante saber qué peces queremos pescar para saber qué útiles cargar en nuestro barco. Uno de los grandes errores del emprendedor es creer que su producto es para todos. Si bien todo el mundo puede beneficiarse potencialmente de tu producto o servicio, define claramente quién es tu cliente y organiza todo tu mensaje y esfuerzos de comunicación para captar su atención. El mensaje adaptado es más efectivo que el generalista.

  1. Ve donde está tu cliente

Ya que tienes claro quién es tu cliente, no basta con anunciarte y esperar que suene el teléfono. En el cambiante y dinámico mundo que vivimos, los emprendedores que triunfan son aquellos que establecen una relación personal con su nicho de mercado: participan activamente de eventos, foros online, conferencias, y visitan con frecuencia páginas web, redes sociales, lecturas y clases en torno a las temáticas que interesan a su nicho de mercado. Cuanto más cercano eres, más confianza ofreces a tus clientes en potencia.

  1. Aprovecha lo que ya tienes

¿Ya tienes una página de ¿Wisestamp en el correo electrónico? ¿Ofreces a tus clientes existentes ventajosos descuentos si te recomiendan a terceros? ¿Cuentas con un lugar donde nuevos clientes puedan leer acerca de tus casos de éxito y testimonios de personas satisfechas con tu producto? ¿Ofreces productos gratuitos en tu web para que el público se familiarice contigo antes de comprar?

Muchas veces, las mejores estrategias de promoción son las más cercanas y obvias. No dejes pasar cada e-mail, tweet, visita, amistad y cliente como puentes hacia una nueva oportunidad.

  1. Prueba algo nuevo. Cuenta hasta 20

Muchas veces caemos en la rutina de repetir las mismas estrategias de promoción una y otra vez. Tenemos la tendencia de volver a lo conocido. El autor motivacional y empresario Brian Tracey comparte un método para combatir esta repetición, que consiste en forzarnos a hacer una lista de 20 cosas que podemos hacer para conseguir clientes. Por lo general, las 10-15 primeras suelen ser una versión reciclada de métodos que ya estamos empleando pero, una vez pasado ese filtro inicial, nos veremos forzados a crear de cinco a diez ideas que aún no habíamos tenido y que podremos poner en práctica de forma inmediata.

En resumen, céntrate en tu esfuerzo personal y crea una gran impresión en todos aquellos que conoces. Utiliza tus redes sociales, tanto humanas como digitales, para llegar a tu público y comunicar tu mensaje. Ofrece algo de manera gratuita y nunca dejes de tener nuevas ideas y probar nuevos métodos para llegar a tus potenciales clientes. No tienes nada que perder.

Si mantienes estas actitudes a lo largo del tiempo, posiblemente alguien te preguntará en algún momento dónde guardas tu “varita mágica”. Source

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